Scattered Thoughts

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Normal Days #19

Somebody's Me

I'm back to my work place & this time it hurts a lil more, may be I've met an exceptional person in my life whom I'm missing a lot. This time the ache has been profound than ever before. I wish time would fly by & I'll be there again with her, making her smile, writing for her, or most of the times just be with her, listening to all things which she has to say.

I don't know what it would be like to hold her in my arms but I bet she's as delicate as Flower. May be I'm reading too much in b'ween the lines, maybe I'm nothing to her & she will forget all about me. I hope she smiles a lot & all her pain goes away. I don't want her to be anything but happy, content & blissfully radiant. This rotation on many fronts will be a testing one for me. I've to see through the financial matters as I'm planning to shift my base to the capital. I don't know what I'm even writing. Just to take my mind off her I thought this was the best technique. I'm fighting sleep as I didn't get much sleep last night though while I was flying for here I managed a lil nap but it seemed to have aggravated the problem of sleep rather helping it. I also know when I'll lie down to sleep it won't come easy. I long to hear her voice. But I know I can't call her & she can't call me.

I think this was the pain I was looking, this was the longing I was longing for. If only I'd my Twitter fix here.

Missing you.
Hope you're listening.

(To be contd..)

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