Beyond The Horizon
Every time I leave home, every single time since the day I joined here in gulf, the industry which drives the world politics, every single time it breaks my heart and I yearn to stay back, leave everything and never go away from my home but when I reach here and take a look from chopper across the skies; everything, every distance, every feeling about being away from home is worth it.
The only thought plays in my mind is awe and a silent thank you to the lord almighty up there who gave me this opportunity to witness this magic. Of course I think of you too. I always think of you whenever I witness something like this, this pure, this divine. I think of our time together with a smile, with a hope that no matter what we have been tangled in each other life for forever. For most of the ppl this term has no meaning just mere words, but for us, for us it is a promise which universe made. Deep in my heart I know we will be together, in another life too, in another realm. May be we are living happily somewhere in this infinite universe. Loving each other infinitely like we still do but being closer, very very close.
Trace my name on your palm and I'll say your name like prayer when I'll see the sun rising across this horizon and I'll hope that beyond this limit and past all these limits there is a limitless place for us, our own galaxy where we live, together, never leaving each other, there is no job, no need for money, just you and I and plants and animals, all species along with dinosaurs and dodo and all those whom we have killed. Are you afraid of all these wild animals my love but the wildest is living with you. I'm that animal. Sorry couldn't resist.
But on a serious note, I'm dreaming. Come dream with me.
Across The Night
(To be Contd..)
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