You know I am a crazy guy. I always go back to the things I said I won't do. But, in my defense, who has not fallen into the hands of love over & over again.
And I also know I should not be writing about love after my last outburst here but I am noting but predictable and a hopeless romantic at that.
**eye roll**
Shoot me now!
Lyrics, it was the lyrics this damn time. I am at shutdown; in case you are wondering what that is I won't be wasting my breath to explain that here, just know I am busy. I do not even know when it is lunch time & when the day is suddenly over & amidst all this craziness is hopeless romantic me, listening to this song (no not the one I mentioned above, totally different song. But then why didn't I mention that song in my write? We have already established I tend to confuse people, haven't we? Why am I writing in brackets again?)
So I was listening to this song, this sweet innocence of a feeling , this feeling when you actually can feel your heart swelling in your chest, I was having that moment of pure bliss and fervently hoping one of these days you'd be in my arms.
Somebody once very close to me told me I can not love anyone as I have this insane idea about love & how to be loved, this crazy thing no human can find within themselves to portray and trust me it was told in whole other level of contempt. And then I found you, so far and yet so close to me every time I draw a breath. Our own galaxy & space, our own world and realities and I, I am listening to you amidst all those lyrics.
You Sang to Me
(To be Contd..)