Scattered Thoughts

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Normal Days #90

I can read b'ween the lines

So, whenever I am not my pathetic self and writing about heart and flowers stuff, like a girl in high school, I write about books. And here I am writing about the recent reads I have had.

No, I won't do the reviews and even the reviews I do I don't quote books as such. I write what they make me feel, again, let's not make it too high schooly? Si?

So, basically coz of some good I did in alternate universe or my previous lives, lately I have found ppl who are suggesting me some good books and yes, I have gifted myself a Boox E-ink tab called Note Air 3C (more about it later in any of the other write, let's focus on books as of now). And I have been reading like crazy, thank God for that. I haven't slept for 3 nights straight and I am happy and I am devouring books like I used to do before and I feel so happy to be this disconnected from the world and to be ushered in the world of words. And I have discovered one strange fact, one I wish I didn't know but thank God for lil blessings, I am very good at ignoring things that don't concern me.

So, what's got me in a fix, you may ask? Well, when I used to read and didn't interact with people much, I knew books were divided into genres, and that was all. But lately, I've come to realize that books are also divided into periods. I mean, can't we leave anything without subjecting it to utter dissection? Is anything sacred anymore? To my horror, it's becoming a trend - postmodernism, premodernism... I mean, what's the point? Why does it matter?

And this is why I am feeling a lil, I won't say sad, just annoyed at ppl, I mean why would someone do that. Here I am enjoying a book thoroughly. loving it to pieces and suddenly someone comes and asks, "oh is this post "damn I don't read but I talk a lot about some eras & periods" era?" And I am like yes, whatever makes you happy.

Anyway, I am blessed to have ppl in my life right now who are suggesting me some books and I am reading like an alcoholic. 

And one more thing I have discovered is that my typing skills have taken a nosedive since I have started using phone and you wouldn't believe the red lines I have had under every word I have written so far. I don't like to be an experiment in the study where they show how use of mobile phones and screen time reduces person's cognitive abilities. I really need to distance myself from it, for real.

I am better off with books anyway. So, send me a prayer so that I don't distract myself away from reading, or you can send me a book recommendation, anything works, I am a cheap lay :P

(To be Contd..)

Read it in books

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