Scattered Thoughts

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Normal Days #90

I can read b'ween the lines

So, whenever I am not my pathetic self and writing about heart and flowers stuff, like a girl in high school, I write about books. And here I am writing about the recent reads I have had.

No, I won't do the reviews and even the reviews I do I don't quote books as such. I write what they make me feel, again, let's not make it too high schooly? Si?

So, basically coz of some good I did in alternate universe or my previous lives, lately I have found ppl who are suggesting me some good books and yes, I have gifted myself a Boox E-ink tab called Note Air 3C (more about it later in any of the other write, let's focus on books as of now). And I have been reading like crazy, thank God for that. I haven't slept for 3 nights straight and I am happy and I am devouring books like I used to do before and I feel so happy to be this disconnected from the world and to be ushered in the world of words. And I have discovered one strange fact, one I wish I didn't know but thank God for lil blessings, I am very good at ignoring things that don't concern me.

So, what's got me in a fix, you may ask? Well, when I used to read and didn't interact with people much, I knew books were divided into genres, and that was all. But lately, I've come to realize that books are also divided into periods. I mean, can't we leave anything without subjecting it to utter dissection? Is anything sacred anymore? To my horror, it's becoming a trend - postmodernism, premodernism... I mean, what's the point? Why does it matter?

And this is why I am feeling a lil, I won't say sad, just annoyed at ppl, I mean why would someone do that. Here I am enjoying a book thoroughly. loving it to pieces and suddenly someone comes and asks, "oh is this post "damn I don't read but I talk a lot about some eras & periods" era?" And I am like yes, whatever makes you happy.

Anyway, I am blessed to have ppl in my life right now who are suggesting me some books and I am reading like an alcoholic. 

And one more thing I have discovered is that my typing skills have taken a nosedive since I have started using phone and you wouldn't believe the red lines I have had under every word I have written so far. I don't like to be an experiment in the study where they show how use of mobile phones and screen time reduces person's cognitive abilities. I really need to distance myself from it, for real.

I am better off with books anyway. So, send me a prayer so that I don't distract myself away from reading, or you can send me a book recommendation, anything works, I am a cheap lay :P

(To be Contd..)

Read it in books

Sunday 9 June 2024

Normal Days #89

It Could Only be You 

Well, would you look at that?

Yes it is me, to write, to scribble, to read, to memorize, to learn, to find, to smile and to explore, YOU.

I am nothing but predictable, huh. I have no shame in admitting that after all these years, after all this time and you still haunt me.

Ghosts of our memories and sound of our laughs, the witness of our burning passion and all these stars, who would have thought. And then there is you, this softness that you hide, this grace in you, so ladylike and then this raging fire to be consumed within thoroughly, every second for every little while. Engrossed in my every thought and every action, making me vulnerable oh the shine in your eyes, admiration. I reach out to trace you, trace that smile and the way you melt happily into me with a sigh and I drink it, I drink it all shamelessly, hopelessly, hungrily coz I am always afraid of this running time.

They should invent me something to make moments freeze, like one time I was looking at you, forgetting even to breathe. I literally forget where I was, I stood up and kissed you hungrily oh and there was this gasp, we had  made a scene and we were so in trouble and all that hazing it brought it was worth it as it had made us officially a couple. I want to freeze that moment when your eyes shone like ambers and I knew, that you knew, you'll always be mine.

So, honey, tell me to burn, burn like constellations, always lightening with love even though falling apart. Coz no matter what, love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

And no matter where I was wrong but love and loving you was never a mistake and I'd always love you damn be the consequences.

(To be Contd..)

She will be the one